Last night, my boyfriend came at me with a knife.
Let me digress...
Yesterday was an extremely successful day in learning more about myself, my career goals, and how I might work to accomplish them. From morning till late evening, I was gaining momentum for the next five weeks before graduation, and I felt utterly compelled to cap the night with a feel-good moment. As Jared and I have been separated by long weeks and arduous schedules these past few months, I thought to myself, "Why not make a surprise visit to Minneapolis for the night?!"
I rushed to grab contact solution, my phone charger, and of course, failed to remember deodorant. The road was wide open, and all signs pointed to a decision well-made. I was even lucky enough to evade his phone call until I was minutes away. We hung up the phone after saying our "goodnights," and I walked up the stairwell planning my sneaky entry. What's a surprise visit without a stealth entrance, right? Wrong. I thought using my key would allow me to get in unnoticed, mostly because I was convinced he would be watching Conan like always. Instead, he was in the kitchen reading emails, and he heard my fumbling with the key latch.
Well, while I was busy being an awesome, thoughtful (albeit sneaky) girlfriend, Jared was busy finding the biggest butcher knife in the kitchen. Needless to say, I was the one who ended up getting surprised last night. It was one of those moments that was so undeniably sweet and hilarious, as we found ourselves cursing at each other using pet names.
Yes, last night was one for the books. Thank god neither of us ran towards each other!